Fairvale High School

Focused. Aspiring. Inclusive. Respectful.

Telephone02 9604 3118


Our staff

Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.

Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.

The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.

Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.


Fairvale High School is a very large, dynamic, multicultural high school in the Fairfield area. The school was established in 1969 and has an outstanding record in academic, cultural, social and sporting excellence. 

The values of Fairvale High School are founded on the principles of tradition, care and innovation. The school’s supportive and caring environment builds learning capacity in a wide range of academic, sporting and vocational subjects. 

While Fairvale High has achieved exemplary successes in these areas, the school also offers extension opportunities in Mathematics, English, History and in the Creative and Performing Arts. 

Fairvale High School has excellent facilities including a Dance Space, Visual Arts Gallery, a Construction Trade Training Centre, Hospitality Kitchens, Covered Outdoor Learning Area, Welfare Hub, renovated Science labs, Textile rooms and a Gym/Weights area. The school has undergone a capital works program comprising 30 new classrooms, administration area and a new Hall which were completed in 2022. Further capital works are planned for 2024 including the extension of the COLA and construction of extra Junior toilets to be based in Wright Block.

Fairvale’s delivery of comprehensive, inclusive, student centred programs is achieved with support from highly skilled and committed teachers and intensive homework/tutorial centres. Community relations are strengthened through partnerships with tertiary organisations, local primary schools, and an active parent and community commitee. 

Dr Kathleen Seto

Deputy Principals

Deputy Principal - Years 10 and 12

I would like to welcome years 10 and 12 to a new year of learning and academic discovery. I would also like to welcome our new enrolments and would like to wish you all well as you take on the opportunities offered to you at Fairvale High School. Be inquisitive and take risks in order to be rewarded with personal growth and enriching experiences.

Go well and do your best in the year ahead. The world is an amazing and ever changing place. I look forward to watching you grow as people and inquisitive learners.

​Ms Fountis

Deputy Principal - Years 8 and 11

I am looking forward to working with Years 8 and 11 students and their parents in 2024. 

Our aim at Fairvale High School is to develop resilient learners who are Focused, Aspiring, Inclusive and Respectful.  At Fairvale we offer a range of programs to support our students and give them opportunities to shine. It is through these supports that success can occur. 

Approach each day ready to learn, enquire and grow. I am excited to see how much you have all achieved by the end of the year. 

Ms Borthwick

Deputy Principal - Years 7 and 9

I am looking forward to working with Years 7 and 9 students and their parents this year. Fairvale High School has so much to offer students to continue their journey onwards as lifelong learners. A key to being successful is the ability to be brave and step up to take on new challenges and opportunities. The opportunities at our school are diverse and can include academic, creative arts. sporting achievements.

We value our students and promote their resilience and wellbeing with our Learning 2 Live and FAIR whole school programs. As lifelong learners attendance is paramount to success and so every school day IS important and every day AT school is important. 

Ms Christie

Deputy Principal  - Inclusion and Support

Welcome to all of our students within our Diverse Learning group. As Deputy Principal Inclusion and Support, I ensure that all students learning, social and emotional needs are met in line with the FAIR approach within our school. I ensure that students are provided with opportunities to Connect, Thrive and Succeed whilst at Fairvale HS.

I look forward to seeing our students reach out to try new things and develop new skills as they learn and study towards their future needs beyond school. I look forward to supporting the wellbeing of our students so that their learning can be maximised and they can perform at their best.

I am excited to be working at Fairvale HS with such a dynamic staff and student cohort.

Mr Eagles

Head Teachers


Ms Tammy Borthwick

English EAL/D and Literacy

Ms Lauren Derrick / Ms Andrea Soto


Mr Dylan Trevor 

Social Sciences 

Ms Sandra Te

Performing Arts 

Mr Greg Thwaites


Ms Michelle Hsiao

Industrial Arts 

Mr Anthony Cerniauskas

Learning Support 

Ms Savita Rahim


Ms Mira Sekuloski


Ms Michelle Hsiao


Mr Stephen Barbuto


Ms Julia Brow

Personal Development, Health, Physical Education

Mr Anthony Karam

Visual Arts

Ms Teresa Toledo

Home Economics

Ms L. Borg / Ms N. Sleiman (relieving)

Diverse Learning

Mr Aaron Medcalf (relieving)

Secondary Studies / VET

Ms Grace Ghossain

Welfare / Careers

Ms Kathryn Efthymiades