Fairvale High School

Focused. Aspiring. Inclusive. Respectful.

Telephone02 9604 3118


International students

CRICOS Provider Name: NSW Department of Education

CRICOS Provider Code: 00588M


Fairvale High School proudly supports it's International Students through it's International Student Support (ISS) Team. 

NSW government schools like Fairvale High offer international students academic excellence in a safe, tolerant environment. Experienced university-trained teachers help students to achieve their best results. Qualifications from NSW government high schools are internationally recognised.

Why you should enrol at Fairvale High School

Fairvale High School is one of the leading public schools in South Western Sydney in achieving strong outcomes for our students.

NSW Government schools:

A unique Australian study experience

​The NSW government schools offer international students academic excellence in a safe, tolerant environment. Experienced university-trained teachers help students to achieve their best results. Qualifications from NSW government high schools are internationally recognised.

At Fairvale High School, we offer a wide range of subjects and activities, quality teaching and the best of care and support for our international students in a stimulating learning environment. 

Our school offers: 

  • a wide range of subjects and activities 
  • quality teaching 
  • care and support for international students 
  • a stimulating learning environment.

How to apply

·         DE International – How to Apply
If you are interested in studying in Australia, you can apply to study in Australia through DE International:

For general information:

·         For applications to study in an Australian school:


Schools are NOT permitted to process your application. DE International is the main organisation that links you to the educational institution you need and immigration.

Schools are not permitted to process your application. DEC International is the main organisation that links you to the educational institution you need and immigration.

Enrolling at school

What to do and what to bring

After completing all other parts of your enrolment process, you will be interviewed by the school before you enrol. On the day you are interviewed for your enrolment:

  • You must attend your interview with your legally nominated guardian even if you are over 18.
  • You must bring your passport, your visa and your health insurance card/ letter with ID number.
  • You should bring any Intensive English Centre (IEC) reports (if available) and any other reports translated into English.
  • Your guardian must bring his/her passport and drivers licence with correct address.

If you do not attend your interview with the correct documents and your guardian – DEC International may be contacted and your place may not be kept.

Accommodation and welfare

  • International students in Years 7 and 8 must live with an approved relative at all times. 
  • International students in Years 9 and 12 may live a parent, approved relative or in a homestay. 
  • If you are 18 and over and you choose to live on you own, you must still have an emergency contact person. Your emergency contact must be over 21 years old and be an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident. 
  • If you change your homestay or guardian, you must have parental approval and DEC International approval.
  • If you change address, either with or without your guardian, you must inform the school by completing a “Change of Address” form.
  • Students may live WITH a parent.


Based on government changes to transport, all international students MUST hold an Opal card to travel on public transport. You are NOT entitled to an Opal School card. You MUST use an Opal Child/Youth card (Pictured below)

More information is available on the 'Opal' website:


Please note, international students ARE entitled to a government travel concession pass/card.

To apply for a travel concession card, you must go to The Fairvale High School Newling Office and apply there. 

Attendance and application


Attendance is a minimum of 80% for each term. If you do not meet this, you may be reported to Department of Immigration and Citizenship and your visa may be cancelled. Lateness and/or early leave can cause your attendance percentage to drop. 

If you are absent for:

  • less than 3 days:
    then you need to bring in a 'guardian signed note' to the school explaining your absence.
  • more than 3 days:
    then you must bring in and supply a 'medical certificate' to the school from a registered practitioner.
  • more than 5 days:
    your guardians, parents, DEC International and/or appropriate consulate may be notified by the school as you will be deemed as “missing”.


You are required to meet course outcomes across all subjects. This includes completing all class work, homework and assessments. You must follow school and NESA policies. 

If you do not complete work, fail to submit or sit for assessments, you can be N-Awarded (non-completion letter) and an ‘Intention to Report’ letter may be filed with DE International and immigration.  

Make sure you speak to your teacher if you are unclear about a task. 

Use the school’s tuition facilities to help you in your studies.
There are no excuses for not completing work.

Working in Australia

As an international student, your main concern is your studies. While you may work in Australia, you may only do so if:

  • you apply for a permit to work through DIAC
  • you work no more than 40 hours per fortnight

Working for ‘cash money’ or for ‘black money’ is illegal. 

​Your work hours should never interrupt your studies or sleeping pattern.

Important links

DE International

Locked bag 53, Darlinghurst, NSW 1300, Australia


NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)
(For information regarding course requirements)


ESOS Act and National Code
(For laws related to education and consumer rights of overseas students)


Department of Education
(dealing with rights and responsibilities regarding your education)


Department of Home affairs
(For enquires related to visas and students seeking a permit to work)

Overseas student health cover

NSW government schools

NSW government schools offer international students academic excellence in a safe, tolerant environment. Experienced university-trained teachers help students to achieve their best results. Qualifications from NSW government high schools are internationally recognised.

​Our schools offer:

  • wide range of subjects and activities
  • quality teaching
  • care and support for international students
  • stimulating learning environment.

For more information visit:

Direct link: International school website

ISC Contact Address:

International Students Centre
PO BOX 707 [827-839 George St]
Broadway NSW 2007
Telephone: +612 9217 4801
Fax: +612 9212 6712
Email: isc@det.nsw.edu.au