Head teacher: Ms P. Husari and Mr A. Medcalf (relieving)
The diverse learning faculty accommodates students with diverse learning needs, ranging from mild to moderate intellectual disabilities as well as autism. The faculty promotes the inclusion of all students across the whole school and strives to achieve safe learning environments.
Our aim is to provide fun, caring, positive and nurturing environments and activities that foster the social, behaviour and emotional development of all students.
The subjects that Diverse Learning caters for include: English, maths, science, human society and its environment (HSIE), personal development, health, physical education (PDHPE), and work education.
Students are included and given the opportunity to do mainstream classes such as visual arts, music, drama and industrial technology.
In year 9 and Year 11 students are encouraged to join a mainstream elective and are supported in all aspects of learning.
Our current program
The diverse learning faculty at Fairvale High School currently supports 73 students with special needs. The diverse learning staff includes seven teachers and teachers’ aides who are highly committed to provide all students with the best possible learning opportunities. Through the development and implementation of specific teaching and learning programs, students are able to access the life skills curriculum, elective classes taught by mainstream teachers as well as a number of post-school options which will allow them to make a successful transition to adulthood and the world of further education, training or work.
The diverse learning unit at Fairvale High School believes that working in partnership ensures that students who have difficulties learning will be given the best possible opportunities to succeed.
Through collaborative planning we hope that we can successfully move students from school to post-school activities, including post-secondary education, vocational training, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, independent living and or community participation.
For more details of our diverse learning program, visit our external site on http://diverselearning.fairvalehigh.com/.