Head Teacher: Mr S Barbuto
The study of Mathematics is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10.
In Year 11 and 12, the study of Mathematics is optional.
A highly experienced and dedicated staff is committed to provide all students with a quality education in this important subject area, with a focus on developing the skills and confidence to work accurately on everyday numeracy and mathematical problem solving.
Teaching programs based on the national curriculum are used to help develop the knowledge and skills appropriate to each student's level of ability. Students are encouraged to take personal responsibilities for their learning and use all available resources such as Algebra Club to improve their understanding. They are offered ongoing feedback, encouragement and challenge from their teachers, and are expected to strive to achieve to the best of their ability.
Homework is given regularly for the purpose of consolidating the work from each lesson, while regular revision in class is used to help achieve a consistent level of success in assessment tasks.
All students in mathematics are required to bring a grid exercise book and a scientific calculator to every class. We recommend the Abacus SXII-MATRIXn. Grid books are also available for $4. These items can be purchased at school.
Year 7 and 8
We follow a mathematics pathways learning system as required by the current 2023 syllubus. All students are provided with support to improve numeracy skills.
Year 9 and 10
Classes are divided into a foundation, mainstream or High Potential and Gifted Education (HPGE) pathway. Students are given opportunities to move between these levels based on performance.
Year 11 and 12
The Numeracy CEC, Mathematics Standard 1, Mathematics Standard 2, Mathematics Advanced, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2 courses are all available, with a focus on thoroughly preparing students to achieve their best possible result in the HSC exam(s). Over an extended period of time, our students have achieved consistent success in all courses, with many using their skills and knowledge in this subject area in post secondary education.
Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC)
Each year up to 200 Fairvale High School students take part in this non mandatory competition, with a significant number achieving results at distinction level. The AMC is held annually. It challenges students with various mathematics related problems. This allows staff to measure students mathematical and problem solving abilities.
Numeracy support
Fairvale High School employes a Numeracy Support Tutor who provides students with assistance both inside and outside the classroom. This includes:
- gathering and analysing students’ results to monitor their progress in mathematics learning
- compiling weekly mathematics worksheets that align with required learning outcomes
- incorporating weekly assignment and assessment results to identify students’ strengths and weaknesses
- support students’ learning inside classroom
- provide feedback to teachers
Fairvale High School Mathematics Faculty can focus on student learning progress more effectively by using this data. Fairvale High School is a leader in New South Wales high schools for the highest value added in numeracy.