Are you ready Year 6?
We can't wait to meet you!
Starting high school is a time of new experiences as you adjust to a new school, make new friends and get used to having different teachers and classrooms for each subject. On this page you will find many things that will help you make a smooth transition into high school.
Your 1st stop - check out our Fairvale High School student diary
Starting high school is an exciting time for students and their parents.
Going to high school will be a new experience for your child. The school is likely to be much bigger than the primary school and your child may feel a little insecure at first. Instead of being a senior in a small school, they are now a beginner in a big school. However, it is also an exciting time with many opportunities and a broader curriculum.
Each year our students are given a school diary with important information in it. The diary contains all of the school policies and procedures as well as important information for students and parents.
Each week students should have their diary signed by their parent or carer. Please take the time to look at your childs school diary each week to check their homework and familiarise yourself with school rules, practices and events.

00:01 [Music]
00:18 [Music]
00:25 you're probably thinking right now that
00:27 high school is a lot bigger than primary
00:29 but that doesn't mean you have to get
00:31 lost in the crowd you might have noticed
00:33 the kids in high school were a lot
00:34 bigger too but they'll help you out if
00:37 you need it
00:38 we're in your seven now but a couple of
00:40 months ago we were where you are feeling
00:42 a bit scared and a bit excited we want
00:45 to show you that high school can be
00:47 really awesome we'll show you around our
00:49 school and show you what it has to offer
00:51 but all high schools are different so
00:53 you have to check out what's on offer at
00:55 your school here's what you'll learn
00:57 English maths science human society in
01:03 its environment
01:04 creative arts languages technological
01:07 and applied studies and personal
01:09 development health and physical
01:11 education you all know about English and
01:14 maths but science no marine science labs
01:17 protective gear and cool experience in
01:19 year seven and eight you study history
01:21 and geography in HSI a creative arts
01:24 includes music dance drama visual arts
01:28 visual design photographic and digital
01:31 media
01:31 Skinner come up one Eliska in a comical
01:34 walk me home goodness howdy bad dog
01:36 languages are heaps of fun and you might
01:38 get to travel overseas or exchange
01:41 students might come to you technological
01:43 and applied studies which we call Taz
01:45 could include design and technology food
01:48 technology industrial technology
01:51 information software textiles
01:53 agricultural technology and would work
01:56 PTH PE is personal development health
01:59 and physical education we change into a
02:01 sports uniform for this sport is
02:03 different in every high school but you
02:05 will get some really cool choices with
02:07 whatever you like doing you'll usually
02:10 have a different teacher for each
02:11 subject
02:12 and one for roll call as well you carry
02:16 our bags to classes with you most
02:18 schools also have lockers or other
02:20 places where you can store things
02:21 classes run for about 45 minutes and
02:24 Accord periods sometimes you have double
02:27 periods too so you can really get stuck
02:29 into something use several inator
02:30 introductions to high school subjects so
02:32 you can really get a taste of everything
02:34 that's black up cake I made that would
02:37 you do that for years 7 & 8 really
02:40 matter you develop new skills and ways
02:42 of thinking that set you up for the rest
02:44 of your high school years in your rate
02:46 you choose electives for years 9 and 10
02:49 in year 10 you choose subjects to study
02:51 for years 11 and 12 when you start
02:54 school you will save a timetable it
02:56 looks complicated but it actually tells
02:58 you where you are meant to be and what
03:00 you're studying at what time whatever
03:02 fun you have in the classroom there's
03:04 even more fun going on outside the
03:06 classroom here's also offered our school
03:08 for extracurricular activities
03:13 I left the ring here's what happens at
03:18 lunchtime and recess
03:28 [Music]
03:32 so here's our top tips on how to have a
03:35 great first year at high school number
03:37 one making friends in high school really
03:42 isn't that hard joining clubs is a great
03:44 way of meeting people from all the
03:46 different years the most important thing
03:48 is just to be yourself
03:49 even if you're bringing your primary
03:51 school friends with you high school is a
03:53 great opportunity to meet new people I
03:55 first met my best friend at year 7 can
03:58 you make friends easily when you get
04:00 involved in activities your school
04:02 offers this leads to the next tip try
04:05 something new high school is full of
04:07 possibilities
04:08 you really don't know what can come of
04:09 it in high school you're expected to be
04:12 more independent and organised so you
04:14 need to use a diary have plenty of
04:16 copies of your timetable around and
04:18 colour code your subjects
04:20 if it helps most nights you'll have
04:22 homework so starting a regular study
04:24 routine is a good idea set up a quiet
04:26 place at home where you can work without
04:28 distractions know when your assignments
04:30 are due and plan what you have to get
04:32 done
04:32 write to-do lists for homework and
04:34 assignments and tick them off as you
04:36 finish each task ask teachers for help
04:39 with assignments if you need in so now
04:42 you're sure to have a great year
04:44 [Applause]
04:48 [Music]