Fairvale High School

Focused. Aspiring. Inclusive. Respectful.

Telephone02 9604 3118


Industrial Arts

Head Teacher: Mr A Cerniauskas

Our goal in the industrial arts department at Fairvale High School is to encourage students to become confident and efficient users of technology which will enrich and assist students in their studies, work and life.

We aim to provide opportunities to:

  • be creative and innovative
  • solve problems
  • learn new skills.

All students at Fairvale High School undertake a compulsory course in technology mandatory in their first two years at the school. This course is structured to not only meet the requirements of the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA), but to also give students grounding for subjects that they may elect to do in Years 9 and 10 (Stage 5). 

With this in mind, students will have experience in working with a variety of materials including timber, metal, electronics, plastics as well as developing their skills in graphics and computer technologies. 

The list below sets out the range of subjects offered by the Industrial Arts faculty:

Years 7 and 8 (Stage 4)

  • Technology (mandatory) 

Years 9 and 10 (Stage 5)

  • Industrial Technology - Graphics
  • Industrial Technology - Automotive
  • Industrial Technology - Electronics
  • Industrial Technology - Engineering
  • Industrial Technology - Timber
  • Industrial Technology - Metal

Years 11 and 12 (Stage 6)

  • Engineering Studies
  • Industrial Technology - Electronics Technologies 
  • Industrial Technology - Graphics Technologies
  • Industrial Technology - Timber Products and Furniture Technologies
  • Construction Vocational Education and Training (VET) - see the VET page for more information.