Courses offered:
- Year 8 drama (1 period per week) NEW 2019
- Year 9 drama (elective)
- Year 10 drama (elective)
- Year 11 drama (preliminary)
- Year 12 drama (HSC)
Drama is offered as both an elective and an HSC subject at Fairvale High School.
Students engage in weekly performing, making and critically studying drama classes in a well-equipped specialised classroom.
Stage 4 (NEW in 2019)
In 2019 the Performing Arts faculty is launching an exciting initiative between English and Performing arts to enrich student learning and promote the importance of risk taking, self-confidence, expression, communication, leadership and team building skills.
These skills will assit with future studies of all subjects as well as build useful skills for employment in the future. As part of this program students will participate in a single period of drama each week in 2019 that will link with the English curriculum.
Students will be supported and taught by Ms Payne (English) and Ms Wong (Dance/Drama.)
Stage 5
In Years 9-10, students explore a range of dramatic styles and techniques from improvisation to play building through both practical and theoretical experiences.
Each student develops their confidence and performance skills through ensemble work and logbook reflection. Students explore a variety of performance styles whilst developing skills in theatre production elements. Students assume the roles of director, performer, costume designer, set designer etc.
Stage 6
In Years 11-12, students refine their drama skills through the study and application of the elements of drama.
Students develop their own Australian Theatre production and extend their performance skills both individually and in ensemble work. In the HSC course students may select their individual project component including performance, promotional package, scriptwriting, costume design, set design etc.
The compulsory performance is a group project and students are also required to study two texts from Australian Drama and Theatre and one topic from studies in theatre.
In recent years, Fairvale High School Drama students have worked closely with Power House Youth Theatre at Fairfield in community based Theatre Projects. Students have also been provided with the opportunity to perform in Fairvale High School’s school musical.