Head Teacher: Ms L Borg
Home economics aims to develop students' confidence, competence and responsibility in designing, producing and evaluating to meet needs and opportunities, and to understand the factors that contribute to successful design and production.
Home economics faculty aims to provide the students in our courses with a variety of hands on, learning experiences and, through the development of practical projects using technology and prepare them for life in a changing world.
Stage 4
- Year 7 and 8 technology
Technology education integrates both procedural and conceptual knowledge based on a holistic view of design. Students identify needs that have personal relevance, apply design theory and use design processes that encourage flexibility, resourcefulness and imagination in the development, communication and production of quality solutions.
Students learn about technologies and use a range of materials, tools and techniques relevant to personal, commercial and global areas of human activity. Technologies assume increased importance when they are applied to solve real problems and to create ideas and solutions in response to needs and opportunities for customers, clients or themselves, they can be used to add functional, aesthetic and environmental value to products.
Stage 4 projects include:
- Year 7 design projects include bags and food preparation.
- Year 8 design projects include pop-up story book, storage wraps and food preparation.
Stage 5
- Year 9 and 10 food technology
The study of food technology provides students with a broad knowledge and understanding of food properties, processing, preparation and their interrelationship, nutritional considerations and consumption patterns. It addresses the importance of hygiene and safe working practices and legislation concerning the production of food. Students will develop food specific skills, which then can be applied in a range of contexts enabling students to produce quality food products. It also provides students with a context through which to explore the richness, pleasure and variety food adds to life and how it contributes to both vocational and general life experiences.
The major emphasis of the food technology syllabus is on students exploring food related issues through a range of practical experiences, allowing them to make informed and appropriate choices with regard to food. Integral to this course is students developing the ability and confidence to design, produce and evaluate solutions to situations involving food. They will learn to select and use appropriate ingredients and equipment safely and competently.
Year 9 and 10 child studies
The child studies course aims to give our students the skills and self-confidence to act as responsible caregivers. Given the multicultural nature of Fairvale High School, this course enables our students to appreciate their unique family situations and the roles they may adopt to support family life. The course also provides the students with an introduction to the Child Care Industry and the requirements needed for that field.
Child studies seeks to raise the students’ awareness of society as a whole, especially relating to the family, development of the child and the vital role played by the parents and caregivers. Students will develop the confidence to interact with young children, identify and utilise a range of resources available to young children and gain knowledge and understanding of the physical, intellectual, social and emotional development of a child.
Some of the units to be covered include:
- Preparing for parenthood
- Conception to birth
- Newborn care
- Growth and development
- Food and nutrition in childhood
- Childcare services and career opportunities
Child Studies students’ progress is assessed using tasks such as multimedia presentations including PowerPoint and video, assignments, bookwork and unit tests.
Students will also be required to participate in a one day parenting activity using a ‘Baby Think it Over’ real care baby simulator.
Years 9 and 10 textiles technology
The study of textiles technology provides students with a broad knowledge of the properties, performance and uses of textiles in which fabrics, colouration, yarns and fibres are explored. Students examine the historical, cultural and contemporary perspectives on textile design and develop an appreciation of the factors affecting them as textile consumers. Students investigate the work of textile designers and make judgements about the appropriateness of design ideas, the selection of materials and tools and the quality of textile items. Textile projects will give students the opportunity to be creative, independent learners and to explore functional and aesthetic aspects of textiles.
The focus areas of apparel, furnishings, costume, textile arts and non-apparel are recognised fields of textiles that will direct choices of student projects. Examples include stuff toys, pencil case, pincushion, kit bag, patchwork cushion, nightwear, skirt, wall hanging, fancy dress costume and students own choice project. Textiles technology students’ progress by using tasks such as practical work, portfolio, assignments, bookwork and unit tests.
Stage 6 - preliminary and HSC courses
Textiles and design
This course provides students with the opportunity to learn about design including fabric colouration, historical design, cultural design factors and contemporary designers. Students learn about fibres, yarns, fabrics, innovations and emerging textile technologies, environmental sustainability, current issues and the Australian Textile Industry. Practical experiences, experimenting and product manufacturing are integrated throughout the content areas and include the completion of textile projects. Throughout Year 12 students develop a major textiles project including supporting documentation.
The preliminary course involves the study of design, communication techniques, manufacturing methods, fibres, yarns, fabrics and the Australian textile clothing, footwear and allied industries. Practical experiences, experimenting and product manufacturing are integrated throughout the content areas and includes the completion of two preliminary textile projects. These projects develop each student's creative abilities and skills in designing, manipulating, experimenting and selecting appropriate fabrics for an end use.
The HSC course builds upon the preliminary course and involves the study of fabric colouration and decoration, historical design development, cultural factors that influence design and designers, contemporary designers, end-use applications of textiles, innovations and emerging textile technologies, appropriate textile technology and environmental sustainability, current issues and the marketplace.
This course involves the development of a major textiles project, worth 50% of the HSC mark. The project is selected from one of the five focus areas and enables students to explore an area of interest. The project has two components: the supporting documentation and textile item/s.
Preliminary course
- design (40%)
- Properties and performance of textiles (50%)
- The Australian textiles, clothing, footwear and allied industries (10%).
HSC course
- Design (20%)
- Properties and performance of textiles (20%)
- The Australian textiles, clothing, footwear and allied industries (10%)
- Major textiles project (50%).
Particular course requirements
In the preliminary course students will undertake two preliminary textile projects. Preliminary Project 1 is drawn from the area of study design and focuses on the generation and communication of ideas, design modification, manipulative skills, evaluation of ideas and of the project, and management of time and resources. Preliminary Project 2 is drawn from the area of study of properties and performance of textiles and focuses on an analysis of fabric, yarn and fibre properties, experimental procedures, product design, fabric choice, manipulative and management skills, communication methods and the recording of information.
In the HSC course, the major textiles project allows students to develop a textile project from one of the following focus areas: apparel, furnishings, costume, textile arts, non-apparel. The selected focus area allows students to explore in detail one area of interest through a creative textile design process that integrates the areas of design, properties and performance of textiles and the Australian textiles, clothing, footwear and allied industries.
Community and family studies (CAFS)
Community and family studies is designed to develop in each student an understanding of the diverse nature and interdependence of families and communities, within Australian society. The course enables students to plan and manage resources effectively in order to address contemporary issues facing families and communities.
"Modern Australia is a society shaped by constant change in terms of social and cultural diversity. Technological change can also create conflicting values and competitive pressures which impact individuals, families and communities. Young people will benefit from developing an understanding about our society and its complex nature and how to lead successful and meaningful lives within society."
Preliminary course
- Resource management basic concepts of the resource management process (approximately 20% of course time).
- Individuals and groups' individual roles, relationships and tasks within groups (approximately 40% of course time).
- Families and communities family structures and functions and the interaction between family and community (approximately 40% of course time).
HSC course
- Research methodology and skills culminating in the production of an independent research project (approximately 25% of course time).
- Groups in context - the characteristics and needs of specific community groups (approximately 25% of course time).
- Parenting and caring Issues facing individuals and groups who adopt roles of parenting and caring in contemporary society (approximately 25% of course time).
2 unit design and technology
Students study design processes, design theory and factors relating to design projects. They will be participating in “hands-on” practical activities designing and producing their individual projects, studying design theory, design processes, creativity, collaborative design, research, management, communication, manufacturing and production, computer based technologies, safety evaluation, environmental issues, analysis, marketing and manipulation of materials, tools and techniques.
In the Preliminary course, student’s study designing and producing, which includes a practical component of this subject. The completion of three design projects with detailed folios containing documentation explaining how they arrived at their finished product.
In the HSC course, students undertake a study of innovation and emerging technologies, which includes a case study of an innovation.
A comprehensive study of all the factors studied in the preliminary year will culminate in the final production of their major project and presentation of a case study. The major project includes a project folio containing a project proposal, management of the project, project development and realisation and a final project evaluation. The major design project contributes to 60% of the students overall HSC result.
2 unit hospitality (VET)
The hospitality industry is an important part of the Australian economy and employs a large number of young people in part-time as well as full-time positions.
A diverse range of occupations exist across the hospitality industry, such as customer service and sales, commercial cookery and catering, food and beverage service, accommodation service, product development, marketing and promotion. Identified as an industry area with significant skills shortages, the hospitality industry has an on-going commitment to training and employers value multi-skilled workers whose skills can be tailored to meet the needs of individual businesses.
The Hospitality Curriculum Framework is designed to enable students to acquire a range of technical, vocational and interpersonal skills suitable to work, employment and further training within the hospitality industry. The employability skills gained, such as problem solving, communication and teamwork, are a key feature of each VET qualification and are transferable to other career pathways and industry areas.
At Fairvale High School we offer the following qualification in hospitality:
Statement of Attainment towards Certificate II in Hospitality (Kitchen Operations) (SIT20307).
This framework gives students the opportunity to gain credit towards the NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC) and credit towards national vocational qualifications under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
2 unit exploring early childhood
Exploring early childhood is a board-endorsed course. It aims to develop understanding, skills and strategies to enable students to support and foster positive growth and development in the young children with whom they interact with, through the provision of safe, nurturing and challenging environments.
During this course students complete three core units and a selection of any three to four modules. Students complete written and practical assessment tasks related to each topic.
Main topics covered:
- pregnancy and childbirth
- child growth and development
- promoting positive behaviour
- learning experiences for young children
- play and the developing child
- starting school
- gender and young children
- children and change
- children of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
- historical and cultural contexts of childhood
- the children’s services industry
- young children and the media
- young children and the law
- children’s literature
- food and nutrition
- child health and safety
- young children with special needs