Learning Support Faculty
The Learning Support Faculty aims to promote inclusive practices within the Fairvale High School learning community; thus enabling the diverse range of learners to successfully access the curriculum and participate in their learning. The faculty acts in a consultative and collaborative capacity in addressing the learning needs of all students. The educational needs of individual students are identified and support processes for accessing learning are implemented where appropriate.
The diversity of experiences, skills, interests and the needs that learners bring to the learning situation can encompass the following:
· Students diagnosed with disabilities
· Students experiencing learning needs related to language, literacy and numeracy
· Students with social emotional disorders and behavioural difficulties
· Students with health challenges
Faculty Staff
Head Teacher Learning and Support
Savita Rahim
Role: to coordinate the faculty staff in addressing the learning needs of all students requiring additional support in accessing the curriculum and coordinating the NAPLAN Online Testing and HSC Minimum Standards Testing.
Learning and Support Teachers
Krishni Moodley (LaST Stage 4)
Savita Rahim (LaST Stage 5)
Evet Enwiya (LaST Stage 6, Special Provisions Coordinator)
Marianna Macan (LaST)
Thuy Nguyen (LaST)
Role: manage students on caseloads, engage in team teaching, provide additional in class support, and hold parent/carer meetings to formulate PLaSP. Learning Support Teachers use external and internal data to profile student and provide interventions required to support their learning.
School Learning Support Officers
Beverley Brunetta
Diana Adam
Role: Is primarily one of mentoring and supporting students to achieve success, by empowering them with strategies to become increasingly independent. School Learning Support Officers proactively support learning by the following:
· monitoring and clarifying student understanding of instructions
· assisting to get started on tasks;
· assisting with technology
· scaffolding tasks as much as possible and prompting students to transfer these skills across the curriculum
· implementing playground support plan.